DIRECTIONS: The following question is based on the listed documents, available on the corresponding links. Some of the documents have been edited or excerpted. You will be graded based upon the Advanced Placement World History standards for document based questions (DBQs). DBQs are designed to test the habit of the mind listed in the Advanced Placement World History course description:
Using documents and other primary data: developing the skills necessary to analyze point of view and context and to understand and interpret information.
PART A: Answer the questions that pertain to each document. The questions are designed to help build your understanding of the documents and develop your ability to analyze documents. The Advanced Placement examination will not contain these questions.
PART B: The Advanced Placement examination will require you to write an essay based on a series of documents. You will see the following instructions on the examination:
Write an essay that:
• Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents.
• Uses all or all but one of the documents.
• Analyzes the documents by grouping them in as many appropriate ways as possible.
• Does not simply summarize the documents individually.
• Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors’ points of view.
QUESTION: Using the documents and illustrations, analyze the rise of nationalism in Europe and Latin America during the nineteenth century. What factors contributed to the growing sense of nationalism? What forms did this nationalism take? What kinds of additional materials would you need to analyze the rise of nationalism in Europe and Latin America during the nineteenth century?
BACKGROUND: After the fall of Napoleon in 1812, the Congress of Vienna (1815) attempted to reestablish the old order. A new spirit of nationalism, however, swept Europe and the European Latin American colonies with mixed results. Though largely unsuccessful, a series of European revolutions in 1848 inaugurated a spirit of liberal nationalism that swept Europe. Latin American colonists declared their freedom from Europe. By the end of the century, Italy and Germany were unified. Nationalism became an important political force in Europe and gradually spread to other regions throughout the world.
Part A Questions
A. Map 18.2: Europe After the Congress of Vienna
• How did Europe’s major powers manipulate territory to decrease the probability that France could again threaten the Continent’s stability?
• What were the other goals of the Congress of Vienna?
• How successful was the Congress of Vienna?
B. Document: Revolutionary Excitement: Carl Shurz and the Revolution of 1848 in Germany
• What event sparked this author’s account?
• What is the author’s goal?
• What steps to this goal does he identify?
• What does the author believe will obstruct this goal?
• In what ways was this cause eventually co-opted by the Prussian King?
C. Map 18.3: Latin America in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
• In what ways did the French Revolution contribute to nineteenth century Latin American revolutions?
• What were some of the difficulties in building new nations in Latin America?
D. Document: A Radical Critique of the Land Problem in Mexico
• What serious problems were engendered by ownership of large estates in Latin American politics?
• How did such holdings determine the structure of Latin American societies?
• Based on this selection, how revolutionary were these Latin American revolutions?
E. Document: Garibaldi and Romantic Nationalism
• How do people react to Garibaldi in this account?
• What destruction has occurred in these neighborhoods? Which forces are the cause of this destruction?
• How does the journalist characterize Garibaldi and his struggle?
• What do we know about the author? Does he seem sympathetic to Garibaldi and his cause?
• In what ways was this cause eventually co-opted by the Piedmontese King?
F. Map: The Unification of Italy
• What obstacles did Italy face in its unification?
• Of the countries displayed on this map, which would likely, taking geographical and population-size factors into account, pose the greatest military threat to the new Italian state?
G. Map: The Unification of Germany
• What role did the formation of the North German Confederation play in German unification?
• What role did the absorption of the South German Confederation play in German unification?
H. Document: Emancipation: Serfs and Slaves
• What were some of the ideological and economic reasons that Tsar Alexander II freed the serfs?
• How do these motivations compare to Lincoln’s?
• What changes did this emancipation initiate in Russia?
I. Illustrations: Caspar David Friedrich, Man and Woman Gazing at the Moon and Eugene Delacroix, Women of Algiers
• What genre of painting do these works represent?
• What themes are present in these works?
• How do these works reflect nationalism?
Scoring Guide for the Document Based Question Essay
Points 0-7
1) Has acceptable thesis. 1 point
2) Uses all of the documents. 1 point
3) Supports thesis with appropriate evidence from documents. 1 point
4) Understands the basic meaning of documents cited in the 1 point
essay. (May misinterpret one document.)
5) Analyzes point of view in at least two or three documents 1 point
6) Analyzes documents by grouping them in two or three ways 1 point
7) Identifies and explains the need for another document/source 1 point
Points 0-2
Expands beyond basic core of 7 points. A student must earn 7 points in the basic core area before earning points in the expanded core area.
* Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis.
* Uses all or almost all documents.
* Uses documents persuasively as evidence.
* Shows careful and insightful analysis of the documents.
* Analyzes bias or point of view in at least four documents cited in the essay.
* Analyzes documents in additional ways — additional groupings or other.
* Brings in relevant "outside" historical content.