Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blog Project using

I have created a project for my World History class. I am assigning them a event in WWII and they are going to create informational blogs about the event. To make this work well I am using to host the students' blogs.

On my classroom site I have more information about the project. In a couple weeks I will post links to the finished results of the student work.

I really wish I would have found out about this site earlier. I can see so many uses for in a classroom or school.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

School's Out for Summer - NOT HERE!
Since I have students until June 18th, it is almost crazy to say this (but I know others are getting out this week), but I will continue to blog all summer so if you need some ideas or are teaching summer school (like me), come by for a visit. Thanks, by the way for visiting in general as we had 14,000 hits last month.
Summer Assignments for AP World

I always find it a struggle to give the perfect assignment over the summer. So, if you are the same way, here are what others are doing:

Friday, May 15, 2009

Online World History Newsletter
This has items such as DBQs, articles, book reviews, etc. and it is in a very easy to read format. It should prove a great resource for the classroom.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Twenty Part Movie on the Rise of China
The nice thing about this movie is that it is broken into 9 minute segments so you don't have to show the entire thing. It is on so you might have to download it the night before if you can't access it at school. To do that go here.

Friday, May 8, 2009

So Many Blogs, So Little Time
There are a bunch of ways to follow your blogs. You can go to them every once in a while, have an e-mail sent to you or have a Google reader page set up for you which allows you to quickly see what has been updated, add as many pages as you want and to share the pages with others. Play the movie above to see it done - and it's very easy.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dr. Seuss Went to War

Dr Seuss Went to War

Students see propaganda posters for WWII all the time. But this is a compilation of comics made by Dr. Seuss during WWII to raise support and money for the United States.

I would mention to students that a couple of the cartoons show racial stereotypes. However, Dr. Seuss' slant on raising support is very unique and worth checking out.
Geography Game
Do your students know where each of the countries are? This game above tests one's knowledge and is done under a time clock. Check it out.
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