Even though Jewish scriptures talk about Egypt, no Egyptian text ever found contains a single reference to Jews in Egypt. States William G. Dever, who has spent thirty years on Biblical archaeology in the near east: “It must be borne in my mind that no Egyptian text ever found contains a single reference to Hebrews or Israelites in Egypt, much less to an Exodus.” ( Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?, Wm.B.Erdmans Publishing Company, Cambridge, 2006; pg 12-13). The only reason why their scriptures talk about Egypt is because their scriptures were modified at a later point of time. This was done under instructions from Moses for particular reasons.
You must have already heard about the claim that Jews are Yadavas of India, the tribe in which Krishna, the Godly figure of Indians, was born. The very name Hebrew is derived from Abhirah, a tribe associated with Krishna in Indian epic Mahabharat. The word Yadavas was derived from the term “Yah Devas,” meaning Devas of Yah. Those days, people living in India were called Devas. And when these external people migrated into India from an external region called Yah, the local people called them the Devas of Yah or Yah Devas, which went on to become Yadavas. Can you spot the connection between the term “Yah Devas” and the name Yahweh, the single most important name of the God of Jews, and of all Abrahamic religions? A large number of Jewish names and concepts can be traced back to Krishna and Yadavas of India, and the Indian religion, through some simple linguistic analysis. I have given some important comparisons in the following chart, taken from the book. You can make a judgement for yourself. Please click on the chart below to expand it.
If you have a little bit of knowledge of linguistics, the words would look much closer than you think. For example, I have given the comparison between Hamakom and Gomakom. We need to note that consonants G and H are guttural sounds, both of them are emitted from throat. For example, the Vaishnavite Goddess Mahalaxmi is often pronounced as Magalaxmi in South India - Consonant H is replaced by Consonant G. Does this mean that both are different Goddesses? Hamakom and Gomakom are almost identical words and are much closer to each other than it readily appears - after thousands of years of separation, a little change in the words is expected. Similarly, Keturah and Gayatri, Keshav and Hashem - these are all very very close to each other phonetically, and are almost identical words. The book actually develops a simple linguistic framework to help the reader do such comparisons by himself/herself. The above provided data is only a portion of the connection that exists between the Jews and the Yadavas of India; the book covers it in a much more detailed manner.
When did these Semitic people migrate into India? How long did they stay there? When and how and why did they migrate out of India? A huge missing chunk of world history!
Source: Excerpts from the book "19000 Years of World History: The Story of Religion" by Prithviraj R - a reconstruction of 19,000 year world history, based on the historical content of the scriptures and legends of ancient religions. The book attempts to provide answers to most the important unresolved theological questions related to Judaism and Christianity.
Prithvi’s blog: http://19000years.blogspot.com
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