Sunday, January 25, 2009

Online Magazine for World History Teachers
A great newsletter/link site for world teachers. In their words: World History Connected is designed for everyone who wants to deepen the engagement and understanding of world history: students, college instructors, high school teachers, leaders of teacher education programs, social studies coordinators, research historians, and librarians. For all these readers, WHC presents innovative classroom-ready scholarship, keeps readers up to date on the latest research and debates, presents the best in learning and teaching methods and practices, offers readers rich teaching resources, and reports on exemplary teaching.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Great Slideshow of the Conflict in the Middle East
This flash picture show starts at the end of WWII and goes to the present showing which nations have controlled which areas of the Middle East.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CIA and State Department Country Overviews
Both the US Depatment of State and the CIA have brief country studies that can serve as background for students (is this redundancy and example of government waste?). Of course, Wikipedia is just as good or better than both.

Friday, January 9, 2009

History of the World in Five Minutes
The good thing about this video is that it is mostly movie clips so it is pretty realistic. The bad thing is that it spends a minute on the last decade - but then again, you will see the author's point for this when you see the video. It is a nice thing to show the students when reviewing.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Israel- Palestine Summary To Date
Go here to see the map above enlarged and also a very concise summary, day by day of what is going on the Middle East right now. (photo from New York Times). Also go here for an interactive summary of the problem since the inception of Israel. Finally if you go here, there are a number of links that will help you explain the situation. The site by Larry Farzanno is an amazing one if you also do US history.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Glencoe Videos
Glencoe is definitely ahead of the curve when it comes to online ancillaries and seem ready for the change over to having kids only use laptops (yes we will get there one day!). If you go here, you can get videos for every section of world history from the dawn of civilization through today. Each section is broken up into a few short videos and can be linked to a Power Point or if you are there a way to have the students view them on their own.
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